The only time you need to float an image is if you want text over it, behind it, or to wrap around it.

If an image slides around the page like a junior marketing executive at the office Christmas party, it's because the image is floating, and it should be in line.If you have to press Enter Enter Enter Enter etc like a deranged Morse code operator to insert some text after an image, it's because the image is floating, and it should be in line.Most problems with images occur because the image is floating when it should be in line. an image can be in line (which is cool, because you can't drag it around the page).

an image can float (which is cool, because you can drag it around the page) or.The key point is that Word has two ways to position an image: Sometimes images seem to wander around the page in Word all on their own. In Word 2007 or later, click the image, click the Picture Tools Formatting tab, then click the Text Wrapping menu. When you click on an inline image, it has square handles and no rotation handle.When you click on a floating image, it has round handles on the corners, and a green handle to rotate it.Use the mouse to turn it without releasing the left button until it is in the desired position. Select this image until you see a circled arrow in the top margin.Choose the destination where you saved the table from the image editing program.Back in Word, you will need to go to the menu "Insertion" and search for the group “Illustrations”.For example, you can use Photoshop or whatever is convenient for you. Paste the table into an image editing program.For that you will have to select it, right click and click on "To copy". In other words, go to "Insert", click on "Board" then choose the number of columns and rows that the table will have. The steps to rotate a table in Microsoft Word are as follows: Steps to rotate a table in a Microsoft Word document That is, if you need to modify, embed, or delete data, you will need to create a new table to modify the data. When working with an image, you will not be able to modify the contents of the table. Whenever you want to launch a board, you will have to work with an image, so you will need to delete the original painting to include the photo.