Playing nicely and giving them treats they live increases friendliness which can increase performance in battle.

Pokemon-Amie (you play with your Pokemon via the Touch Screen. Horde Encounters (one of your Pokemon must take on multiple foes at once) Sky Battles (you can fight "distant" trainers, those standing on a cliff or ledge or far away and of course only Pokemon that can fly are eligible) Jigglypuff, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Mawile, and Marill are all Fairy types. Certain Pokemon can be ridden in certain areas. Trainer Customization (Initially, you can pick from 3 different designs for your trainer then as the game progresses you can customize clothes and accessories at a Boutique and Salon) Nintendo has stated the number of Pokémon now is to be over 700. More detailed information about the new Pokemon can be found here Scatterbug > Spewpa > Vivillon (Bug > Bug > Bug/Flying) Pancham > Pangoro (Fighting > Fighting/Dark) Tyrunt > Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon) Jaw Fossilįletchling > Talonflame (Normal/Flying > Fire/Flying) Litleo > Pyroar (Fire/Normal) Pyroar has different Male/Female forms Spritzee > Aromatisse (Fairy) Exclusive to Y Swirlix > Slurpuff (Fairy) Exclusive to X Meowstic (Psychic) Has different Male/Female forms